Impact Of AI On Environment and Agriculture : A case study of water turbidity assessment and smart dairy farming

Water turbidty estimation by image-based learning approaches Dr. Rabaa Youssef, INSAT, COSIM, Sup’Com Innovation en production animale: importance et application de l'IAa en élevage Dr. Naceur Mhamdi, INAT


Rabaa Youssef Douss
Assistant Professor


25 octobre 2023 - 13h30


25 octobre 2023 - 16h30


Amphi Mokhtar Latiri ENIT   View map
  • Water turbidty estimation by image-based learning approaches

Dr. Rabaa Youssef, INSAT, COSIM, Sup’Com

  • Innovation en production animale: importance et application de l’IAa en élevage

Dr. Naceur Mhamdi, INAT